PropertyGuys.Com Franchise

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PropertyGuys.Com Franchise Description was established in 1998 with the belief that the traditional real estate system was flawed and that agents were collecting large commissions for minimal value. Over the past 20+ years, has grown to become the largest for-sale-by-owner marketing franchise, with over 100 units across North America.

The Future of Real Estate Has Arrived

What is a Franchise? Join the Brand that's Transforming Real Estate

As a dominant brand founded in 1998, helps homeowners sell their homes independently. With over 100 locations open across North America, is revolutionizing the way real estate transactions are conducted by eliminating the listing agent and giving all the power back to the homeowner – where it belongs.

Our Franchise Model is Innovative and Unique Homeowners are often misled into using real estate agents because we have been buying and selling homes in the same way for 100 years. Many people who have bought or sold a home know how frustrating the process of working with agents can be. They restrict access to information, prohibit direct communication between buyers and sellers, and many of the services they do provide can be done by anyone, or even better, a more specialized expert.

And for this, we pay them a large commission fee - talk about a sweet deal.

PropertyGuys franchise owners can do most of what agents do and more. We can take photos of the property, advertise on listing services such as Zillow, schedule appointments, connect clients with legal expertise, and ensure a smooth selling experience.

All of this is done for a flat rate that home sellers pay upfront. This means that our clients retain more of the money they earn from a sale, and because we are completely transparent every step of the way, they feel empowered throughout the entire process.

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